
Presentation guidelines

Papers assigned to oral and poster sessions should be presented according to the respective guidelines below.

Oral presentations:

The duration of an oral presentation slot is 20 minutes with a few exceptions:
12 minutes for the presentation, 7 minutes for questions from the floor, and 1 minute for a speaker change.

Projectors will be available in the session rooms for oral presentations. Presentation speakers are advised to bring their own laptop computers, and if needed, prepare an appropriate adapter to connect to the projector.

Presentation speakers should arrive at their session room 5 minutes before the session is supposed to start.

Poster presentations:

Sakura Hall, International CenterDate: November 5, 2024
Poster Setup Time: From 9:40 AM to 10:40 AM

Poster Removal Deadline:
By 4:30 PM on the same day. Any posters left after this time will be disposed of.

Poster Presentation Schedule:

First Session: 10:40 AM – 11:40 AM
Second Session: 12:40AM – 13:40 PM

The exact timing of your presentation (whether in the first or second session) will be announced in the program on the event website.

Poster Specifications:

Please ensure your poster is A0 size (841mm x 1189mm) in vertical orientation.
Posters will be displayed on 90 cm wide panels. Kindly ensure your poster fits within these dimensions.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out. We look forward to your participation!