1. EcoBalance Poster Award
The EcoBalance Poster Award will be awarded to outstanding poster presentations at the conference. If you would like to enroll in the Poster Award competition, full paper submission should be completed by August 1, 2024 (15:00 UTC to be precise) for the review committee to select the finalists.
The full paper will be used for review only. This manuscript review process will be conducted by double-blind review.
During the poster session, the scientific jury will evaluate the posters of the finalists based on scientific excellence and the presentations by the authors. The winners will be announced at the closing session of the conference on November 7 , 2024.
Formatting requirements for the full paper
For double-blind review of the manuscript, any author information (name, affiliation, address etc.) should NOT be shown in the manuscript. Although no specific formatting is required, a full paper must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript (i.e., Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, Figures and Tables with captions).
Online submission of the full paper
Online submission of the full paper will start on July 1, 2024.
2. EcoBalance Best Business Practice Award
The EcoBalance Best Business Practice Award honors the most outstanding business practice introduced in a presentation (oral presentations) at the EcoBalance conference. Apart from scientific value and significance, candidates for this award will be evaluated from the viewpoint of practical significance of the study to business activities.
During the conference, the scientific jury will evaluate the presentations by the finalists to select the winners. The winners will be announced at the closing session of the conference on November 6, 2024 and will also be announced on our website after the conference.
Conditions of application for the award
Note the conditions of application for this award: either first author or presenting author of the presentation SHALL be from a private company (business sector); and the awardees will not be the authors but the companies that performed the practice(s) described or evaluated in the study.
If you wish to apply for the EcoBalance Best Business Practice Award, please submit the form from here.