The organizing committee is pleased to invite authors to submit papers for EcoBalance 2018.
"Nexus of ideas: Innovation by linking through life cycle thinking"
Recently, issues relevant to sustainability have become diversified, while individual study areas have become highly specialized. EcoBalance 2018 seeks to share and promote innovation by linking ideas from different research fields through life cycle thinking towards unraveling sustainability issues which are highly intertwined.
Submissions are therefore particularly invited for papers addressing, but not limited to, one or more of the following featured coupled-topics or topics of interest. For all topics, both theoretical and practical contributions are welcome. We are calling for abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Abstract must be submitted by February 28, 2018 and should not exceed 300 words in plain text. Abstract submission deadline has been extended to March 15, 2018. Notification of acceptance will be released on May 15, 2018.
Full paper submission will only be required for poster presenters who apply for the Poster Award competition. The full paper (within 7000 words) will be used for review only. The detailed format for the full paper will be announced later. Poster presenters who do not apply for the competition do not need to submit a full paper.
We hope to create a nexus of ideas, and discuss relevant challenges and results at the conference.
EcoBalance 2018 organizing committee
During the abstract submission process, you will be requested to select one of the following coupled-topics that is most relevant to your paper, if any. Even if your paper only addresses one component of the coupled-topic, you are encouraged to select it as a potential session.
During the abstract submission process, you will also be requested to choose two or three of the following topics that are relevant to your paper. In addition to the above featured coupled-topics, we hope that new linked-topics will emerge from these participant-generated combinations.
* Abstract submission has closed
Thank you for your contributions.